Why is aluminum silicate ceramic fiber cotton afraid of water?

Why is aluminum silicate ceramic fiber cotton afraid of water?

Aluminum silicate ceramic fiber cotton, as a common insulation material, has been widely used in the industrial field due to its excellent high temperature resistance and good insulation effect. However, this material has a significant weakness – it is afraid of water. Aluminum silicate ceramic fiber cotton will cause the following changes after absorbing water:

  1. Loss of insulation performance: Water is an excellent thermal conductor, with a thermal conductivity much higher than that of ceramic fiber insulation cotton itself. Therefore, when the material is filled with moisture inside, its overall insulation performance will significantly decrease, and it may even become a good conductor of heat like water. In this way, the ceramic fiber insulation cotton originally used for thermal insulation has lost its intended function.
  2. Deformation and strength reduction: The entry of water molecules can break the bonding force between fibers, leading to loose material structure and decreased strength. Under prolonged immersion in water or humid environments, ceramic fiber insulation cotton may even disintegrate, seriously affecting its service life and safety.
  3. Damaged fire resistance: Aluminum silicate ceramic fiber cotton not only has excellent insulation performance, but also has high fire resistance. However, this performance will also be severely affected after absorbing water. The presence of water molecules accelerates the oxidation and decomposition process of fibers at high temperatures, leading to a significant decrease in the refractory performance of the material. In high-temperature environments, ceramic fiber insulation cotton that absorbs water may not be able to withstand the erosion of high temperatures, resulting in phenomena such as erosion and detachment, posing a threat to the safe operation of equipment.
    Therefore, it is necessary to fully understand its water sensitive characteristics during use and take corresponding measures to ensure the stability and reliability of its performance. Meanwhile, with the continuous advancement of technology and innovation of materials, there may be more water-resistant and high-performance insulation materials in the future to meet the needs of different fields.

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