
Alumina fiber module

Alumina fiber module adopts high-performance alumina fiber blanket high temperature full fiber lining manufacturing process, can be stable in the temperature up to 1300℃ -1500 ℃ environment, is an ideal refractory material.

Due to the use of hanging anchorage mode, the module can be more convenient installation and dynamic adjustment, greatly improving the efficiency and reliability of refractory materials.

The product can be used in high temperature environment for a long time, and has good high temperature stability, can effectively protect the lining, extend the service life of the lining.

Product description:

Alumina fiber module is made of alumina fiber blanket as the main material of the module component products, the use of hanging anchoring mode, can meet the high temperature between 1300℃ – 1500℃ all-fiber furnace lining requirements; The product is made of alumina fiber blanket, which has good high temperature stability and long service life.

Product feature:

Low content of slag ball, white color, high purity of raw materials

High temperature resistance, high temperature stability

Low thermal conductivity, high temperature heating line shrinkage

Chemical stability, corrosion resistance

Typical application:

High temperature heat insulation of steel and petrochemical

Fire shutter door, coal mine rescue capsule, coke furnace fire curtain

Aerogel insulation composite

High temperature insulation equipment, high temperature insulation pipeline

Industrial furnaces and heating units are lined with thermal insulation

Technical specification :

Product name

Alumina fiber module

Chemical composition(%)






Volume density(kg/m3


Maximum service temperature


Heating permanent line change



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