Glass industry

Glass industry

Glass industry

Redon high temperature ceramic fiber board, ceramic fiber roller seal shaped parts are widely used in glass furnace, high temperature annealing furnace, glass tempering furnace and other kiln insulation and sealing, to achieve the kiln light weight, high energy saving and good sealing performance.

Redon high temperature ceramic fiber board, ceramic fiber roller seal special-shaped products, using special ceramic fiber low slag ball blowing loose cotton as raw materials, vacuum forming process made of light weight, excellent heat insulation performance, low thermal conductivity, clean, simple installation, avoid the glass molding process pollution, reduce the appearance of stress spots, improve the glass product pass rate.

High temperature kiln for glass industry

Glass tempering furnace

Hot bending glass release

Redon ceramic fiber paper, glass fiber cloth, glass fiber paper, widely used in hot bending glass stripping process, no slag, no chips, clean, simple application.

For more high temperature solutions for the glass industry ,  please contact Redon Project Department:


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